An entrepreneur's journey: Interview for the AppGuy
I was recently interviewed by the App Guy, one of the most highly ranked podcast on the App development business.
The App Guy Podcast is brightly animated by Paul Kemp (founder of OneMob). It helps app developers take inspiration from the app journeys of others in the app world. Paul interviews expert app developers and authors that write about app development.
I am (we are) not app developers nor an author but we supply developer with a nuclear weapon called Xloudia and aim at making a dent in the smartphone new usages.
The podcast will be officially online on October 15th on iTunes, but you can hear here in "primeur" here.
TAGP157 Nicolas Loeillot :Image Recognition: Augmented Reality: Minority Report: Work Abroad: Tokyo: Google Glass Alternative — The App Guy
<p>I launch apps for myself, individuals, businesses and enthusiasts. Learn how I helped get an app to Top 2 in the Apple charts</p>